
Items by author: Bradley Booth

God Said It-The Savior (Bk 14)

God Said It-The Savior (Bk 14)

This book tells stories about Jesus, our Savior: His last night in Gethsemane and His arrest, His trial before the Roman authorities, His crucifixion, and His ultimate victory over death itself. Most importantly, this book teaches kids lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said It-The Power of Jesus(Bk 13

God Said It-The Power of Jesus(Bk 13

This book tells stories about the awesome power of Jesus: how Moses and Elijah returned to earth from heaven to encourage Jesus while the disciples slept, how Jesus overcame the power of death itself to raise Lazarus from the dead, and how Jesus’ ride into Jerusalem on a simple donkey awoke an... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
Dios lo dijo: Héroes  del Antiguo Testamento #1 | Libro #4 en la serie

Dios lo dijo: Héroes del Antiguo Testamento #1 | Libro #4 en la serie

Este libro cuenta las historias poderosas de la confianza de Abraham e Isaac en Dios, la fe de Caleb y Josué, la promesa hecha a Rahab, y las lecciones difíciles que tuvo que aprender Sansón acerca de la obediencia. Más importante, este libro enseña lecciones... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
Dios lo Dijo: La vida de Moisés | Libro #3 en la serie

Dios lo Dijo: La vida de Moisés | Libro #3 en la serie

Este libro cuenta la poderosa historia de Moisés: su rescate dramático del río Nilo, su lucha con el egipcio, la zarza ardiente, las plagas, el milagro del Mar Rojo y los Diez Mandamientos. Más importante, este libro enseña lecciones poderosas acerca de cómo... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said It -- Set of 12

God Said It -- Set of 12

From the beginning of our world at creation through the birth and life of Jesus, volumes 1-12 of the God Said It series take kids on a wonderous journey through most of the main stories of the Bible. Each story teaches kids important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
God Said It-Stories of Jesus (Bk 12)

God Said It-Stories of Jesus (Bk 12)

The powerful stories Jesus told of the man who built his house on the sand, the good Samaritan, the lost sheep, and the prodigal son teach kids important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives. The God Said It series uses beautiful pictures and fascinating, true... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said It-The Miracles-2 Book 11

God Said It-The Miracles-2 Book 11

Jesus’ miracles of calming the storm, saving a man from the devil, raising a little girl from the dead, and Peter walking on the water teach kids important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives. The God Said It series uses beautiful pictures and... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
Dios lo dijo: La vida de Jose | Libro #2 en la serie

Dios lo dijo: La vida de Jose | Libro #2 en la serie

Este libro cuenta la poderosa historia de José: la túnica de muchos colores, los sueños, los celos de su familia, ser vendido como esclavo, ser enviado a prisión, interpretar sueños, ser nombrado gobernador, salvar a Egipto y, finalmente, su victoriosa... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
Dios lo dijo: En el principio | Libro #1 en la serie

Dios lo dijo: En el principio | Libro #1 en la serie

Las Escrituras contienen cientos de historias sobre personas que confiaron en Dios y lo obedecieron, personas que llegaron a conocer a Dios y personas que eligieron seguir su propio camino. En las historias de la creación, el primer pecado y el plan de salvación de Dios, Noé y... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said It-Miracles of Jesus (#10)

God Said It-Miracles of Jesus (#10)

This book tells stories about some of the many people who spent time with Jesus: the centurion who had faith Jesus could heal his daughter, the blind man whose sight Jesus restored, the ten lepers healed by Jesus, and the boy who shared his lunch with Jesus. Most important, this book teaches kids... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said It-Jesus, Son of God (#9)

God Said It-Jesus, Son of God (#9)

This book tells stories about Jesus’ birth and the angels, shepherds, and wise men who welcomed him; what Jesus was like as a boy and His first visit to the temple; how Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness; and Jesus’ first miracle. Most important, this book teaches kids important... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said It-NT Heroes (Book 8)

God Said It-NT Heroes (Book 8)

This book tells stories about John the Baptist, the man chosen to introduce Jesus to the world; Mary, the young woman who became Jesus’ mother; Zacchaeus, the tax collector who loved Jesus; and the disciples, the Jesus’ chosen followers. Most important, the book teaches kids important... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said It-OT Heroes 4 (Book 7)

God Said It-OT Heroes 4 (Book 7)

This book tells stories about Esther, the beauty queen who saved her people; Shadrah, Meshach, and Abednego, the young men who chose a fiery furnace over dishonoring God; Daniel, the man who faced the lions rather than pray to the king; and Jonah, who learned about following God’s plans from a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said It: OT Heroes #3

God Said It: OT Heroes #3

This book tells stories about Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived; Elijah, the prophet who stood up to the heathen god Baal; Elisha, the prophet who listened to God’s voice; and Nehemiah, the leader who rebuilt the city of Jerusalem. Most important, the book teaches kids important lessons... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said it: OT Heroes #2

God Said it: OT Heroes #2

This book tells stories from the early kingdom of Israel. Samuel went to live with Eli the priest as a little boy. But he recognized God’s voice when it called to him, and, followed God’s commands even when it was hard. Israel wanted a king, even if it wasn’t in God’s plan.... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
Dare to Stand Alone

Dare to Stand Alone

“Sir, when the regulations of my country clash with the laws of my God, I must obey my God,” Ivan declared. The general studied Ivan’s face seriously. “Does that include the regulations of your army?” Religion was suppressed. Christians were forced to practice their... [Show more]

  • Precio:$12.99

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States